Friday, February 29, 2008

Wong Kan Seng Said, " Sorry! "

Mr Wong Kan Seng apologised for the 'security lapse at the Whitley Detention Centre'.

'This should never have happened. I am sorry that it had. An independent investigation is underway and we should not speculate on what and how it happened,' he said, adding that security at the centre had since been stepped up.

I will like to dedicate the song, Apologize by Timbaland to Mr. Wong.

And here it goes: ......."Its too late to apologize!"
- from Timbaland Feat. One Republic - Apologize


Nicholas Lazarus said...

What we have learnt and should always remember are that the JI operatives are extremely dedicated and deadly disciples of Osama Bin Ladin. This particular JI operative was forged from the fires of Afghanistan and perhaps the most intelligent and cunning amongst the organisation. How else could he be their leader! That he has escaped is an indication of how dangerous JI operatives truly are. In my view, it is not the fault of our security forces. It is easy with the benefit of hindsight to criticise but bear in mind that even the CIA and the FBI could not prevent 9-11. Even the British M15 could not prevent the London bombings. We should rally behind and support our security forces and not undermine them.

Anonymous said...

Come one little girl, go and cry mummy a few more years before giving your comment.

Same like our Government, talk like no talk. Don't even know what the hell you trying to say. To lose a handicap JI member within a secure facility is like painting the whole Singapore Island "LOSER" on this red little dot in the World Map.